
Viagra för 20 biljoner dollar
Centralbanker har pumpat in 20 biljoner dollar i det finansiella systemet.

Bill är gurun med humor!

Vi tar det på orginalspråket då det låter roligare så:

”In the world of money and politics, you need a psychiatrist or a lunatic to understand what is going on.

It is a world full of hysteria and delusion.

Sometimes hysteria just happens; often, people make it happen.

Today, central banks, the mainstream media, the feds, and crony Deep State industries have raked the coals and fanned the flames.

Why? It pays.

Over the last 17 years, central banks have pumped about 20 trillion worth of financial Viagra into the system.

This amount of additional “assets” (bonds mainly, but also stocks) they have acquired with money that never previously existed.

All that extra money provided “The Swamp” with the funding it wanted.

The “security” industry, headquarted in northern Virginia, for example, flourished.

The easy money was available; the cronies took it.

And even with all the provocation, funding, and entrapment given to them by the feds, “terrorists” just were not getting much traction.

After all, in Las Vegas recently, one Anglo Saxon former US federal government employee bumped off more people in the Christian homeland than all the Muslim terrorists put together in the last 10 years.

The failure of these “terrorists” to produce a credible enemy, seems to have led the security industry to reach further for “enemies”.

Keep adding to defense spending and the results turn sharply negative. Then you become the bully you were trying to protect yourself from.”

Göran Högberg

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