
Veckans Mises
Kloka ord från Mises Institute.

VECKANS MISES (en klok man)
Power, war and man: ”Civilization is not achieved by the spirit of war and conquest.” 

“Savings, not technology, is the key to economic growth.” 

“As planned by Chavez (Venezuela) barter is indeed replacing currency transactions throughout the economy but with hardly the results the late socialist envisioned.”  

“One can never build a complex economy without the price mechanism provided by markets.” 

“Politicians should need a super majority to raise taxes. Allowing law makers to raise taxes with a 50% + 1 vote is a recipe for disaster.” 

“How the UK can escape Angela Merkel and the E.U. Turning toward sound money and freer trade with the U.S. could help free Britain from Brussels and Berlin.” 

“When central banks distort the markets, risk disappears from view.” 

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