
Federal Reserve
Citat om pengar, fri marknad och FED.

”A faith based printing company” (ett förtroendebaserat tryckeri) (MN Gordon i The Acting Man)

“Can an unelected board of bureaucrats crunch economic data into graphs and draw conclusions as to what they should fix the price of credit at. And by fixing credit at the “correct” price, the Fed can somehow “optimize”  the economy?”

“The economy is comprised of billions of people with ever changing interactions.

Activities and exchanges are always adapting.

What may be the correct price of credit at one time is precisely the wrong price of credit at another.

Only a free market for credit, where rates are agreed to by willing borrowers and lenders, and unobstructed by government decree, can self correct in real time to properly meet changing supply and demand.”

Göran Högberg

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